
22. 10. 2015.

Changes to Etsy search results algorithm

Etsy recently changed the search results algorithm enforcing local shops to buyers, although there is already a button “Shop Locally” for choosing to display results from local shops. This means that shops from small countries won’t have the same chance to reach buyers, without buyers’ knowledge. We pay the same fees as anyone else, and the reason we have joined Etsy in the first place was to get global exposure, so we want Etsy to undo the recent changes, and give us all the fair chance and equal opportunity.

Sign the petition today and make the difference!

14. 10. 2015.

Pismo Nataši

Draga Nataša,

Ne znam ni kako da započnem da ti pričam ovo,  jer nisam navikla da ti pišem. Navikla sam da te pozovem telefonom. Navikla sam da dođeš na kafu. Navikla sam  da te srentem ispred zgrade. Navikla sam da te sretnem na Slaviji, ma bilo gde u Beogradu... uvek si bila u pokretu, u nekoj akciji. A sada ne mogu ni da te pozovem telefonom, da ti kažem koliko mi ndeostaješ. Da ti ispričam kako po komšiluku lažu da te više nema, i da se zajedno iščuđavamo tim ljudima koji su u stanju da pričaju takve stvari. Da ti kažem kako niko od nas ne veruje u to, i kako te svi čekamo da naiđeš od nekud, onako veselo, kako samo ti umeš. Jer to ne može biti istina. Ne , može! Ti si sigurno samo negde otišla, da obaviš nešto, da se sretneš sa nekim prijateljima, pa ćeš doći, je l' da? Verovatno si kod one tvoje drugarice u Sremčici kod koje uvek prespavaš, pa ćeš sutra da se vratiš kući? Reci mi da je tako, molim te! Jer ne može biti istina da se nećeš vratiti! Pa ko je voleo život više od tebe? Ko je bio tako pun energije i stalno bio u pokretu? Ko je uvek imao osmeh na licu? Ko je uvek iskreno brinuo i saosećao sa svima? Ne bi ti otišla tek tako, znam to. Zato te i dalje očekujem da se pojaviš iza ćoška, i da shvatim kako je sve ovo bila jedna velika noćna mora, koja je delovala suviše realno.

Mi smo svi tužni i plačemo. Plačemo mi, svi mi, koji smo te poznavali. Ali, zapravo, treba da plaču oni koji te nikada nisu upoznali. Jer su mnogo izgubili. Jer nisu upoznali toplo ljudsko biće, potpuno neiskvareno, puno ljubavi za sve oko sebe, uvek vedra i puna nade, spremna da pomogne svakome. Baš svakome. Nikada u svom životu nisam upoznala nekoga kao što si ti. A svi bi mi trebalo da budemo takvi, da volimo život i da živimo život punim plućima, kao što si ti radila. Da ne gubimo ni jedan dragoceni momenat koji nam je dat da provedemo ovde, među ljudima koje volimo.

Boli me što nisam imala priliku da se pozdravim sa tobom, da ti kažem koliko te volim, i koliko si ti izuzetna. Boli me što skoro ceo jedan dan nisam znala da te više nema. Boli me što si otišla tako iznenada. Boli me što to ne mogu da ti kažem...

Ljubomorna sam na anđele što oni sada uživaju u tvom društvu. Mogli su da sačekaju još malo. Barem još 35 godina, šta je to za njih, kad oni imaju večnost? Kako to da mi nismo dobili šansu da pomognemo tebi, a ti si pomogla tolikim ljudima?

Zahvalna sam i srećna što sam te poznavala i što si mi ukazala tu čast da budemo bliske prijateljice. Ali ne mogu sada da potisnem tu tugu koja me pritiska, iako sebi govorim da je sigurno postojao razlog što si morala da odeš tako naglo. Jer ti ne bi tek tako otišla, bez pozdrava, da nije bilo važno. Zar ne? Nadam se da sada smeš da jedeš koliko god želiš sladoleda, i da bezbrižno uživaš u svojoj omiljenoj poslastici bez griže savesti.

Voli te tvoja Wendyka

1. 10. 2015.

Introducing a special member of my little workshop

Since April this year, I have a new member of my little workshop, a multi-talented individual who took over more than one task: meet Lexy, my apprentice and Quality Control Manager.

Although she's still young, she's very eager to help in the process of creation, so we came to terms of her new tasks. She's officially listed as a member of my shop on Etsy.

Lexy's Bio:

Lexy was born on March 18, 2015. We adopted her very early, on April 25, because the circumstances required immediate action. She was already eating solid food, so we had no problems with her diet (although she did have a special diet, recommended by her veterinarian). When she arrived into our home, she was just a handful pile of cuddly fluff, as you can see on her first photo in her new home. She's a very bright kitten, it took only 2 days for her to start using her kitty toilette.

OK, it's a blurry photo, but here's another one :) She loved belly rubs. :)))

When she was 3 months old, she showed interest for my work. The first thing she wanted to learn is the art of making magic wands. Since she was tiny, she had to climb to the highest (safe) spot, to oversee the process of creation. I suppose this makes me a fully equipped witch. ;)

When she mastered the art of making magic wands, with her new confidence, she took a step further in her career, and took over a role of Quality Control Manager. Not a single wand can be considered as finished, without her control. Therefore, all magic wands are 100% kitty approved, after being carefully inspected by Lexy, my Quality Control Manager. From the evidence presented below, you can see that she is very thorough in performing her task. Sometimes too thorough... LOL

There is one little problem, though: since her main hobbies are chewing and scratching, she's still not allowed to do the task without my supervision. But, nevertheless, she's not discouraged by the current state, she even took more responsibility, and started to check dragon eggs. Sometimes she gets tired by all the hard work, and has to take a nap immediately... and I have to figure out how to continue with photo-shooting without disturbing my valuable apprentice. :)

She also checks and guards dragon eggs, and she continuously insists to be on photos with dragon eggs. This got her additional title of Dragon Keeper. Sometimes she gets too enthusiastic in performing her "duties" and I have to stop whatever I'm doing at the moment and advert her attention to something else.

And if I have to move her from the "photo set", she has very subtle techniques for successful photobombing :D

Subtle photobombing techniques :)))

There is only one more thing I wanted to share with you about Lexy: she has superpowers :) She can climb horizontal walls. My friends say that that's because she's exposed to magic wands and dragon eggs. This short video is just here to prove it (she was only 3 months old in this video).