
14. 10. 2014.

First Prize Winner at the Evenstar Fantasy Festival

It's bragging time (again)! :))) Evenstar Fantasy Festival (in Belgrade, Serbia) was held on October 4, but I was really really busy and could not find time to scan my diploma. OK, it took me 10 days to scan this diploma, but here it is: 1st prize winner in the "General Fantasy" art competition.

This is my winning dragon egg.

I decided to make this large dragon egg with a story about this specie, and enter the competition. And I won the first place! I am so happy :))) I wanted to share this with all of you.

Announcing winners :)

Me, posing with the diploma in front of my dragon egg displayed at the Festival :)

And some more photos of the dragon egg... The egg is available in my Etsy shop.

More photos from the Evenstar Fantasy Festival coming soon...

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