After a general introduction of my original dragon eggs, now it's time to present each dragon specie. I will start with Sky Master dragon. Green dragon egg belongs to the most powerful dragon known as Sky Master. The dragon egg comes with a tale about Sky Master dragons. There is an additional feature for those who would like to personalize their dragon egg set: it's a Dragon Keeper certificate, dedicated to the name of your choice. Sky Master dragon eggs is in shades of green, with several possible variations.
First variation is green with touch of gold, fading from dark gold-green to light gold-green (ombre). It is believed that touch of gold comes from a golden sand used to form the shell.
It comes in all sizes (check the size comparison photo at the end of this post). This is how it looks in size L. Sky Master dragon egg size L can be purchased directly from me, or from my Etsy shop.
And this is how this color variation looks in size M dragon egg. I actually found out that I haven't made this variation in size S, but it is available on order. Sky Master's dragon egg can be also purchased directly from me, or from my shop on Etsy, where you can check prices and shipping costs for M and S sized dragon eggs.
The other color variation of Sky Master's dragon eggs has more distinctive line between darker and lighter part of the egg. These dragon eggs are more characteristic for areas where there is no sand, like mountains, or areas with dense vegetation. This color variation is available upon order: you just need to send me a note with your purchase that you would like this color variation.
Sky Master dragon egg, size S, variation of color pattern |
Sky Master dragon egg, size S, variation of color pattern |
Sky Master dragon egg, size XXXL, variation of color pattern. This is the dragon egg that won the award. |
The third, and the rarest color variation of Sky Master's dragon eggs is the bright green version. It is not known how this dragon egg color is formed, but it has something to do with vicinity of large fresh waters, like waterfalls, springs, lakes, rivers etc. Sometimes it has yellow smudges unevenly spread over the scales.
Bright green variation of Sky Master's dragon egg. |
Bright green variation of Sky Master's dragon egg. |
All these variations and sizes are available upon request: dragon eggs are made to order. To get more precise info on price and shipping costs, go to my Etsy shop and check Dragon Eggs shop section. If you don't see the dragon egg of the desired species in size you'd like, just check the price of any other dragon egg species of the same size, and send me a message to check availability.
Dragon eggs sizes |
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